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06 Apr 2020

Setup Kernel Debugging of ReactOS using PUTTY/ROSDBG

Setup Kernel Debugging for ReactOS -

In this post I will be guiding you guys on how to set up a kernel debugger for ReactOS. ReactOS can be built using the MSVC or GCC. In this post we will be using a ReactOS built using MSVC.

For official reference you can refer the ReactOS wiki.

Tools needed

  1. com0com
  2. Putty
  3. Virtual Box


  1. Install com0com with the following components selected.


  1. Make sure the settings page has the following options checked.

setup com0com

  1. Setup Virtualbox serial ports as follows


  1. Now we can connect to the port COM4 in RosDBG or putty and we have a kd. putty_reactos
